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How to make life easier using digital document storage

We've all done it – turned the house upside down looking for an important document! Whether they're in a box, a drawer, or a used biscuit tin, the way most of us store our important documents is far from efficient.

And yet, we never think to improve the way we store our documents. We might have a moment of inspiration after spending endless hours searching for our MOT certificate. But of course, once we find it we just move on with our busy lives, the thought always in the back of our mind, but never actioned: 'One day I'll sort out my documents. One day'.

Technology seems to be improving everything in our lives: Smartphones, Smartcars, Smart – everything! So why are our most crucial documents still crumpled up in an old biscuit tin?!

The business world has easily adopted to the use of digital document storage systems. So much so that most of our important documents are actually received electronically nowadays, bank statements, phone bills, and so on. This is great for the environment, but is it really great for me and you? I mean, now not only do we have the overflowing biscuit tin, we have the files on our desktops too. There has got to be a safer, more efficient way to store documents!

Should you store documents digitally?

It seems only natural that we should follow in the footsteps of the huge businesses that have given the OK to digital document storage. But, there are some pros and cons to weigh up before bringing digital document storage into your home:


Peace of Mind – Now, your birth certificate isn't exactly the first thing you'd worry about in the effect of a fire, flood, or other disaster. But, it is an unpleasant inconvenience all the same. With digital document storage all of your documents would be safe from this kind of physical harm1.

Save Time – Keeping all of your documents in the cloud or on a hard-drive, in easy to access folders, would mean no more hours wasted sifting through hundreds of pieces of paper.

Never Lose Anything - Knowing exactly where your documents are would save you from turning the house topsy-turvy when you need to find one of them.


Complicated Interfaces – because a lot of digital storage systems are aimed at business owners they can be difficult for the average Joe to navigate.

Pricey – A lot of storage systems seem to charge per content. So the more documents you need to store digitally, the more you have to pay. With the amount of important docs we all accumulate in life, it seems like a pricey move.

Security Breaches - Although cloud storage tends to be secure, and much safer than keeping documents at home, there have been security breaches with certain providers.

After weighing up the pros and cons, it seems like the cons are a little on the heavy side.

What we need is an digital document storage system that incorporates all of the pros, with none of the cons. A man by the name of Gary Moore found himself thinking exactly this, so he created DocuCan.

About DocuCan

DocuCan is the digital document storage system for the average user. Founder, Gary Moore, realised that most of the existing solutions for digital document management were aimed at enterprises, and much too large (not to mention expensive!) for the needs of a normal home user. DocuCan allows documents to be stored on a local hard drive, meaning it's compatible with cloud storage systems that support local drive functionality.

Gary spent months developing and testing DocuCan to make it the efficient product it is today. It has been designed as a simple and affordable way for people to digitize their personal documents.

The special thing about DocuCan is that, instead of putting your documents in separate folders, you apply tags to them to make them easy to retrieve. An unlimited amount of tags can be applied to ensure that you'll always find what you're after.

So, say you want to make your MOT Certificate easy to find. You simply scan it into DocuCan and tag it with associated words: MOT, car, rustbucket, hot wheels – whatever you're most likely to remember!

How to make the switch

First things first. You'll need to go through all of your documents and find out what you actually need to keep, and what you can shred. There's usually a lot of shredding to be done as we tend to be overly cautious when it comes to keeping documents. I know we all dread jobs like this! But, with DocuCan, at least you know you'll only have to do this dreaded chore once, because once they're uploaded to DocuCan you'll never lose your documents again!

Click here to check out a useful guide about what documents you should shred, and which you should keep.

Once you've got rid of the unnecessary papers, it's time to import your documents onto DocuCan. The docs you already have on your computer can be uploaded straight to the interface, which accepts: PDF, Word, Excel, Text, JPG, GIF, and TIF. For the documents that you only have hard copies of, simply scan them onto your computer and watch a folder automatically import them into DocuCan! Then it's time to get tagging, and there you have it: Your life suddenly got a whole lot easier!

Final Thoughts

Digital document storage with DocuCan is a great, efficient, and safe way to keep all of your documents in one secure place. Get in touch with Gary and his team to get started, and then lie back on a beach with a good book in one hand, and a cocktail in the other – or at least put your feet up and get yourself a cuppa!

Thanks for reading.

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